GOVERNANCE The institute is governed by a Board of Governors comprising seven eminent persons, nominated on the basis of their competences. It is headed by a Director General, assisted by a Director of Scientific Research, a Director for Administration and Human Resources Management and a Director of Finance, and has a staff of 246 research scientists and technicians.
OUR MANDATE ISAR’s unique mandate is to carry out research on all aspects of agricultural development and to generate, adapt and disseminate technologies with high potential for increasing and sustaining productivity in the agricultural sector, while enhancing the quality of environment.
OUR MISSION Our mission is to generate and develop demand-driven innovative technologies in order to increase agricultural productivity and ensure food security and improved incomes, while conserving the natural resource base.
OUR VISION Our vision is for Rwanda to achieve food security, economic growth and poverty eradication through integrated agricultural research and development.
WHAT WE DO ISAR research is divided into about 11 programmes covering: Cereals: including maize, rice, sorghum and wheat. Legumes: including soybeans and beans, among others. Roots and tubers: including potatoes, sweat potatoes and cassava. Horticulture: apple, passion fruit, mango, pineapple, macadamia, citrus and market vegetables. Industrial crops, mainly tea and coffee. Natural resources management and ecosystem conservation Sericulture. The Biotechnology programme seeks to provide Rwandan farmers with improved seeds, through such . techniques as in vitro plant propagation. Livestock research focused mainly on cattle and small ruminants. The Postharvest program which carries out storage and value addition research. All the above programmes are supported by cross-cutting Socio-economic research and Technology transfer, as well as capacity building throughout the sectors.
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